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The driving force of human civilization is our ability to trade and work together on a large scale. This requires that people understand each other’s wants and needs really well. The sooner you know what people really want and need, the sooner you can determine whether you can meet that want and need.
The leading cause of business failure is lack of demand and it can take a lot of time before a business realizes this. Behavioral science provides the tools and knowledge to understand what people actually value. Veylinx exists to use this field of knowledge to minimize the gap between supply and demand.
Veylinx is the most realistic behavioral insights platform to answer with confidence major business questions surrounding new products and services during all stages of the development cycle. Veylinx obtains behavioral consumer insights using a Nobel prize-winning approach in which consumers have real skin-in-the-game to reliably measure demand. This is a major shift from current market research practices that still rely on what consumers hypothetically claim they will buy.
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