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Maximal Trips is an innovative festival travel platform where festivalists easily can book their bus transport, festival & camping tickets and add-ons for their favorite festival.
Our mission is to make festivals easily accessible for everyone from all over Europe. We do not think in terms of borders or countries, but in accessibility. Every festival experience starts with the journey towards the festival. There is a lot involved to ensure a good journey, think of the right pickup point, time of arrival and of course a comfortable drive in a safe coach. It is our job to make this experience as good as possible for you and your friends. We think it is very important to be able to travel with your friends This is why Maximal Trips will guarantee you that you will be in the same bus. Beside your friends, the bus will be filled with like-minded people, whom all are excited for the same festival. We ensure that festivals are easily accessible and turn every festival trip into a great experience. With all the festivals we collaborate with, we have Official Partnerships. This ensures that we can guarantee a great accessibility.
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